About Us

Fuente Latina works to ensure Spanish-speaking journalists and influencers around the world can access the tools and stories necessary to provide accurate coverage of Israel, the Middle East, and the Jewish world, regardless of geographic location.


There are more than half a billion Spanish-speakers around the world, and Spanish is the second most spoken language in America. Today, Hispanics total 20% of the US population and by 2050, they will make up 30%. Latinos are some of the top consumers of digital content, but disinformation is rampant across Spanish-language media.

Accurate news coverage matters now more than ever.

Fuente Latina is the only non-profit organization breaking geographical and cultural barriers, empowering thousands of global Spanish-language media professionals with essential access to newsmakers, information, and data to cover important stories that matter most to diverse Hispanic audiences.

Fuente Latina is not a news agency.

We are a non-profit media organization.

Fuente Latina is a US 501(c)(3) non-profit and non-governmental organization.
We strongly believe in letting the facts speak for themselves.

In 2012, Leah Soibel founded Fuente Latina from her kitchen table in Jerusalem in response to a growing demand from global Spanish-language journalists to access Israel and the region from abroad. Fuente Latina continues to fill that void today.

As the Hispanic media market evolves, the demand for access, facts and culturally relevant digital content is greater than ever. Fuente Latina's global team of Hispanic media professionals works to meet that insatiable demand by providing high-quality media services and content.

Our main programs include:

Through our programs, we strive to empower Spanish-language media professionals and influencers. Fuente Latina's work has yielded TV Emmy wins and multiple nominations for major US Spanish-language networks. Other accolades include a prestigious Associated Press Broadcasting Award and an International Gold Film Best Short Documentary Award for two Hispanic South Florida TV correspondents. For more details about Fuente Latina's accomplishments, click here.

Fuente Latina is headquartered in Miami with staff in Jerusalem, Madrid, Los Angeles, and Mexico City. We work with media professionals and influencers across the United States, Latin America, Spain, Israel, and key locations in the Middle East.

Make a difference today

Media matters now more than ever. Disinformation is fueling hate.
Together, we can ensure accurate media coverage.


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