There are more than half a billion Spanish-speakers worldwide yet only a few Hispanic correspondents are based in Israel

Covering any story without a correspondent on the ground, under deadline, and without quick access to information and newsmakers to interview in Spanish, is a challenge for any journalist.

Fuente Latina is a non-partisan, non-profit organization known as the trusted source of information for global Hispanic media professionals covering Israel and the Middle East.

We work with thousands of diverse Hispanic journalists and influencers covering stories about the region while in Israel and from afar.

Since 2012, Fuente Latina has facilitated wide coverage of Israel and the region for the top Hispanic news outlets in the world: 10,000+ interviews yielding 65,000+ stories; conducted 150+ helicopter tours; 80 Media Fellowships for 400 journalists; and authored over 200 op-eds.

Fuente Latina media services assist journalists and influencers in a variety of ways to increase the breadth and depth of news coverage.

Daily Media Support

Daily Media Support


Media Production in Israel

Fuente Latina offers production support for journalists visiting Israel, but also for outlets looking to cover a story without spending resources on travel. We have produced radio, TV, print, and digital stories for more than 800 journalists reporting on Mideast-related stories from Spain, the US, and Latin America. Our work has yielded TV Emmy wins and an Associated Press Broadcasting Award.


Helicopters and Ground Tours

Fuente Latina provides aerial and ground tours for media and influencers to better understand the reality on the ground and Israel’s security challenges. We host aerial tours for a wide range of Hispanic trendsetters and leaders. Past passengers include Latino comedian George Lopez, Argentinian TV personality Marley, and the Vice President and Foreign Minister of Panama Isabel Saint-Malo.


Media Fellowships to Israel

Fuente Latina organizes Fellowships to Israel for Hispanic media professionals and influencers from around the world. The unique trip grants international reporting experience and byline opportunities.

All travel, accommodations and food expenses are covered by Fuente Latina. Media Fellows are expected to make the most of this professional work experience and publish or broadcast stories during the weeklong tour or immediately upon their return.

For more information, or to sign up for a Fellowship, see our Media Fellowship page.


Digital Content and Videos

Digital Content and Videos

Fuente Latina's team produces videos and digital stories that are culturally relevant to diverse Hispanic audiences worldwide. Our digital content allows journalists and influencers, based outside of the Middle East, to tell informed stories online about Israel and the region through a Latino lens.

For more information or questions about our media services, please contact

Make a difference today

Media matters now more than ever. Disinformation is fueling hate.
Together, we can ensure accurate media coverage.


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